• Can I book you for my wedding or corporate event?

    Yes! We have performed at many weddings and corporate events in the past. Please email us with information about your event, and we will send you our rates.

  • Are you currently accepting new dancers?

    We are always on the lookout for new dancers! Feel free to email us at any time with your resume and an audition video.

  • How old do you need to be to be part of the company?

    Dancers must be at least 18 years old to be part of the company.

  • Do you accept dancers or choreographers that live outside of Canada?

    Our company’s focus is to offer opportunities for Canadian Irish dancers and choreographers. We unfortunately do not accept dancers or choreographers who live outside of Canada.

  • Are you currently accepting new choreographers?

    We are always looking for new choreographers to work with, whether that is for a short video or pieces for our live shows. Our company’s focus is to offer opportunities to Canadian choreographers. If you are interested, please email us with your resume and a sample of your choreography.

  • As you are a not for profit organisation, do you pay your artists?

    Yes we do! It is extremely important for us to remunerate our dancers and choreographers fairly for their art. As a not for profit organisation, our goal is not to make profit but to create opportunities for artists.

  • Are you an Irish dance school?

    No, we are an Irish dance performance company. Our dancers all come from different cities in Canada and have trained with different dance schools and Irish dance organisations.

  • What Irish dance organisation are you affiliated with?

    We are not affiliated with any Irish dance organisation as we do not teach Irish dancing. Our choreographers do not provide corrections or teaching on dancing, which would relate to any form of competition.

  • How can I become a volunteer?

    We are always looking for people to help us out! If you are interested, please send us an email with your resume. This can be a great experience for your resume or count as volunteering hours for high school.

  • How can I become a member? What does that mean?

    You can become a member by signing up on our website membership page and paying the annual membership fee of $5. When you are a member, you get to attend our annual general meeting (AGM), which gives you the opportunity to vote on certain motions and access our annual report which includes the treasurer report.

  • Can I be part of your board of directors? What does that mean?

    We are always looking for additional board members. When you are part of the board, you get to attend our official meetings and vote on some of our motions. Usually board members have a set of responsibilities based on their expertise. They also provide advice on the company activities and general direction. The time commitment is usually 4-6 meetings a year and additional responsibilities, depending on your role. If you are interested, please email us with your resume.